Bookbinders Ludlow Catalogue
Bookbinders Tools and Supplies for Hot Stamping
Bookbinders Guide to Hot Stamping Type
We offer a comprehensive range of Type and Ludlow Type Faces for the Bookbinder and Book Arts. In addition we have Hot Stamping Equipment and Supplies for the production and preservation of books. We furnish the Bookbinders Type and Bookbinders Ludlow specifically for Bookbinders, Restorers and those in the Conservation Arts.
Kwikprint Bookbinding Type Fonts
If your using a Kwikprint in you Bookbinding Book Restoration or Book conservation business we have Type fonts for Hot Stamping.
Bible Restoration
Take a look at our
Ludlow Type Faces
for Bible Restoration
We set Ludlow hot metal lines of type for Hot Stamping of books.
We cast lines of type via Ludlow for many of our bookbinders. How it works. You would send us a list of titles, names, copy or monograms and we would set them on a slug, which you insert into your machine and imprint the item(s), when your done you send the used slugs back for recycling. This is used a lot in the Bookbinding, Restoration and Conservation Arts for titles, spines and to personalize various orders. It is great, because you don't need to carry so many type fonts, yet you can offer many more type faces and sizes. Price is less than dies. With Ludlow you are working with a new type face each time which results in a clean and sharp impression. Below is a link to the Ludlow Section of our web site. There is a showing of each of the faces and underneath the showing are listed the available sizes.
Bookbinders, Book Restorers, Book Conservators and Larger Shops
like the convenience and broad selection of
Type Faces and sizes when using Ludlow.